Written by Fiona Tin Wei Lam, illustrated by Kristi Bridgeman Published by Oolichan Books.
The Rainbow Rocket takes James on a marvelous and magical dream journey to visit his beloved grandmother, whose beautiful paintings and loving guidance have inspired his own creativity. The Rainbow Rocket shows how the tremendous power of the heart and the imagination may transcend loss. Intergenerational bonds, the importance of ritual, and the vital significance of the arts in affirming human connection are tenderly depicted in this luminously illustrated picture book. A wonderful resource for families, libraries, and those in the healing professions.
"The Rainbow Rocket follows James's relationship with his grandmother and traces a child's encounter with Alzheimer's, his experience of the death of a grandparent, and the commemoration of his grandmother through the art that they shared together when she was alive. ...The Rainbow Rocket is a touching, understated story, and deserves a place on the school and public library’s shelf for its sensitive portrayal of one young boy’s experience with a grandparent’s death which has a message for any child who reads it." Canadian Review of Materials
"Author Fiona Lam and artist Kristi Bridgeman bring inspired contributions to this sensitive, highly recommended book for all ages. Simple yet profound, The Rainbow Rocket touches such charged topics as death, loss and dementia with gentleness, honesty and endless heart. A remarkable achievement; a high-priority book for all who love life and value the journey." ~Dr. Balfour M. Mount OC, OQ, MD, FRCS(C) Emeritus professor of Medicine, McGill University
The Rainbow Rocket is an illustrated children's book by Fiona Tinwei Lam with gorgeous illustrations by Kristi Bridgeman. The story is a touching tale of a young boy and his grandmother who has Alzheimer's disease. His grandmother is a painter and shares her love of art and her knowledge of Chinese culture with her grandson. Lam has also written two books of poetry, while Bridgeman has illustrated 16 children's books. Lam is donating proceeds from The Rainbow Rocket to the Alzheimer's Society of B.C. The Rainbow Rocket Reviewed, The Vancouver Sun.